Neuro-Spinal Integration (NSI)


Neuro-Spinal Integration (NSI) is an approach for chiropractic thought leaders interested in working with the unconditional integrity of the nervous system. By combining the philosophy, science, and art of chiropractic, NSI helps chiropractors adjust the adjustment in support of greater outcomes of wellness.

With NSI, chiropractors do not have to abandon their techniques of choice. Instead, they make the necessary modifications that convert "chiropractic patients" into "personal healthcare advocates." By incorporating the understandings of NSI, the people who get adjusted become more involved in making the necessary lifestyle changes that bring about greater health and wholeness.

If you are interested in attending an upcoming NSI Seminar, send us an e-mail and we will contact you when a seminar is scheduled.

For Chiropractors


Our bodies have a masterful design. If we put garbage into the body, garbage comes out of the body. If we put high quality care into the body, high quality care comes out of the body. A "well-delivered" adjustment supports a greater expression of health and expands wellness practices.

NSI uses the understanding of both the nervous system and tensegrity to encourage the body to regulate healthfully, which includes the natural unwinding, redistribution, and release of tension. As a result, you will notice more ease and flexibility in the spine. More importantly, you will observe an enhanced sense of calm and security in those who receive your adjustments. Why? Simple. As people become more intimately in touch with the needs of the body, they naturally become more involved as active advocates of their greater health and well-being.

NSI adjusts the adjustment by taking into account three possible spinal presentations:


1) Hypertonicity (which suggests a pre-threshold modification)

2) Hypotonicity (which suggests a post-threshold modification)

3) Vibrancy (which suggests a threshold modification)

With NSI, chiropractors focus on the tonal changes that take place by adjusting the adjustment. It is not oppossed to structural adjusting or low-force applications. It simply helps the chiropractor deliver the chiropractic adjustment in a manner consistent with the desired results.

In addition, wellness education and managing care become easier. Why? NSI helps chiropractors establish a wellness partnership where "patients" become "participants" and take better care of their health and well-being. Interested in learning more? Join us in June at Life University.

Discover the power of a "well-delivered" chiropractic adjustment, work with the body's unconditional neurological integrity, and use the exciting tensegrity model. This is an exciting time to be a thought leader in chiropractic. Allow NSI to stimulate some exciting thoughts in you. See you at the top!

(More information is available through the download page.)


Click here to learn about the NSI Seminar


Michael A. Scimeca, D. C.

1182 Grimes Bridge Rd., Ste. 400

Roswell, GA 30075


